[Latin-America] Community links 6/2

Jennie Rose Halperin jennie at creativecommons.org
Fri Jun 2 14:01:02 GMT 2017

Announcing Paola Villarreal as our new Director of Product Engineering
Canal o Cubo: An independent cinema platform for Brazillian filmmakers

Música Libre in Uruguay
Algorithm Watch's paper, CC BY
Join OpenCon's librarian call
New from Unsplash <https://twitter.com/unsplash/status/870301500186267648>
Open ESA photos <https://twitter.com/OpenESA/status/870558871005388801>

A workflow perspective on Open Science
Old article from Shareable on Open Source Design for Sustainability
David Bollier interview on the future of the commons
How a US Supreme Court ruling on printer cartridges changes what it means
to buy almost anything
The Secret free speech rules of the internet
Italian interview with Ryan at Wired Next Fest
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