[Latin-America] Community Links 5/24

Jennie Rose Halperin jennie at creativecommons.org
Wed May 24 13:50:23 GMT 2017

SOTC Spotlight: Geonet
Newsletter about SOTC – get on the list if you're not already!
Wikipedia says it's time for fair use in Australia

Sign communia's petition to help educators!
Unsplash new photos are so pretty
escience center is looking for a license to science
EIFL reports on WIPO <https://twitter.com/EIFLnet/status/866948239978881024>
Excellent sample pack from the Sound and Vision labs in the Netherlands of
7 hours of field recordings!
CAD books collected all the images of people giving books to their libraries

Magdeleine photo is a curated CC photo project <https://magdeleine.co/>
Playwood's Open Design Protocol
Cogdog on Attributing images
via Kelsey: Aeon has a one click attributor
A video of the Global Seed vault
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