[Latin-America] Global Network Weekly #28

Simeon Oriko simeon at creativecommons.org
Fri Nov 10 13:25:29 GMT 2017

Hello CC friends! 👋🏽

Thanks to those of you who actioned my email last week and made
introductions to potential new members. I've really enjoyed connecting with
new folk interested in joining our network!

I'd like to share a little more detail about how I interact with these new
folks. Where there's an existing chapter, I connect these interests to the
leaders of the local chapter and encourage them to engage in chapter
consultations and activities. I also share a copy of the Global Network
document with them and this link that gives details about Network Platforms

Where a chapter doesn't exist, and the person in touch would like to
organize one, we ask they run a CC related project first. Case in example:
I met Felix Naartey from Ghana a few months ago and he was very interested
in starting a CC Chapter. We asked him to run a CC project. He did and put
together the 2017 Summer Open School
<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/summer-open-school-tickets-37387615364#> in
Accra, Ghana. Felix applied for and received a Community Activities Fund
<https://creativecommons.org/2017/06/13/community-activities-fund/> grant
to support this effort.

If you know new people in new territories willing to set up chapters,
please let them know that I'd be very happy to help them run a few CC
related projects to get them going.

P.S. Some of you may have forgotten how to reach me: Email me
<network at creativecommons.org>, Schedule a call with me
<http://doodle.com/simeonoriko>, or ping me on Slack
<https://creativecommons.slack.com> (sign up here
<https://slack-signup.creativecommons.org/> if you haven't done so already)

Kind Regards,

Simeon Oriko

Simeon Oriko
Network Manager, Creative Commons

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