[Latin-America] Community links 6/7

Jennie Rose Halperin jennie at creativecommons.org
Wed Jun 7 13:34:33 GMT 2017

US Department of Ed open licensing now in effect

Retweet of Cable's chapter from OA button
>From Wikimedia: The EU's new copyright directive threatens freedom of speech
July 12 there's a massive day of action for Net Neutrality
3D printed Jewelry contest from SMK Museum!
Did someone say $1 million toward open textbooks in Canada
Book of the day is Made with CC
<https://twitter.com/creativecommons/status/872182355556958213> from the
P2P foundation
Barcelona CC film festival started yesterday
Ryan will Keynote OpenEd 17!

Free sound effects (via Reddit)
Meet Poe's law, the new law of the internet
The Silicon Valley billionaires remaking education
Good article on drinking and conferencing
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