[Latin-America] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] Deadline for SOTC Impact Story Submissions is Monday

Claudio Ruiz claudio at creativecommons.org
Fri Oct 28 15:29:32 GMT 2016

Hola a todos, último llamado!

Claudio Ruiz | @claudio
Creative Commons valor la apertura, innovación, libertad y una cultura de
compartir. Support Creative Commons today: http://bit.ly/19IjSKl

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jane Park <janepark at creativecommons.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 12:33 PM
Subject: [cc-affiliates] Deadline for SOTC Impact Story Submissions is
To: "cc-affiliates at lists.ibiblio.org" <cc-affiliates at lists.ibiblio.org>

Hi all,

A quick reminder to submit your impact story ideas by *Monday, 31 October*.
Form submissions will take priority in terms of review and making it into
the report, so if you've sent me offhand links in the past, I will still
look at them, but those that have been submitted according to the clear
criteria via the form will be prioritized (and be more likely to be
selected). So please if you really want to see a story highlighted, submit
it via the form!

Here is the form: https://creativecommons.org/2016/10/04/2016-state-commons

Here again is the SOTC 2016 doc where we all agreed on the shape of the
report and its focus on ~25 impact stories (shaped into infographics):


Jane Park
Director of Platforms and Partnerships
Creative Commons

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