[Creativecommons-website-commits] [creativecommons/creativecommons.org] dc5244: Re-stage all Chinese Traditional files

George Hari Popescu noreply at github.com
Tue Jun 18 10:20:26 UTC 2019

  Branch: refs/heads/cc4-zh-Hant-legalcode
  Home:   https://github.com/creativecommons/creativecommons.org
  Commit: dc5244ffae7ecfc949b9b1264bfd7884fc06177c
  Author: George Hari Popescu <george at creativecommons.org>
  Date:   2019-06-18 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019)

  Changed paths:
    M docroot/legalcode/by-nc-nd_4.0_zh-Hant.html
    M docroot/legalcode/by-nc-sa_4.0_zh-Hant.html
    M docroot/legalcode/by-nc_4.0_zh-Hant.html
    M docroot/legalcode/by-nd_4.0_zh-Hant.html
    M docroot/legalcode/by-sa_4.0_zh-Hant.html
    M docroot/legalcode/by_4.0_zh-Hant.html

  Log Message:
  Re-stage all Chinese Traditional files

- Checked if the following translations use slash:
-- Copyright and Similar Rights is translated into「著作權及相似權利」 / 「版權及相似權利」
-- Moral rights is translated into 著作人格權 / 精神權利
-- Attribution is translated into 姓名標示 / 署名

- Checked if 提供更多語言的版本 is the correct translation for "Additional languages available" in all 6 files.

- Linked 返回授權標章 (which is the translation for "Back to Commons Deed") at the very end of the page to https://creativecommons.org/licenses/......./4.0/deed.zh_TW instead of https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...../4.0/legalcode.zh-Hant in all 6 files.

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