[Creativecommons-website-commits] [creativecommons/creativecommons.org] bd3637: Make summary and disclaimer inline

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Fri Mar 17 20:27:25 GMT 2017

  Branch: refs/heads/feature/deed-redesign
  Home:   https://github.com/creativecommons/creativecommons.org
  Commit: bd363786cfe93c18ff07f9422d04db2994ba6096
  Author: Dylan McCall <dylan at affinitybridge.com>
  Date:   2017-03-17 (Fri, 17 Mar 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M python_env/src/cc.engine/cc/engine/templates/macros_templates/deed.html

  Log Message:
  Make summary and disclaimer inline

This means adding a . after "Disclaimer" outside of a trans block,
because I have been asked not to break any existing translations. To be
fair, we're already doing this evil thing in a few other places, so I
don't feel especially remorseful about it.

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