[cc-community] Stack Exchange practices & terms of service inconsistent with CC BY-SA 3.0?
Marc Stober
marcstober at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 13:08:38 GMT 2016
I'm not concerned. The content is CC licensed and that is still available.
And even if it weren't, CC license just means they can't stop anyone from
using the content, not that they have let anyone access it on their
servers. I think they are actually going a pretty good job balancing open
licensing, privacy and business concerns.
Also, since this applies to profile information, you could split hairs and
say that some free text description is a CC-licensed user contribution, but
most of the profile page is data they've generated or simply facts. IANAL
but I think information like my name is just a fact and not a copyrightable
user contribution. But even if it were, I think it would be reasonable for
them to say that certain personally identifying information is excluded
from the CC license for privacy, and previously posted information would no
longer be available in certain way even if it were CC licensed for anyone
who copied it when it was available.
- Marc
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Sam Pablo Kuper <sampablokuper at riseup.net>
> User contributions to Stack Exchange websites are licensed to Stack
> Exchange, Inc., under CC BY-SA 3.0.
> Recently, employees of Stack Exchange, Inc., have bragged about certain
> technical measures they use, and a new Terms of Service for their
> websites, that are intended to interfere with certain kinds of re-use of
> those user contributions.[1]
> It seems to me that those measures and the new Terms of Service violate
> the terms of CC BY-SA 3.0. In other words, this appears to be a mass
> transgression against, or abuse of, the rights granted to Stack
> Exchange, Inc., by their thousands of website users.[2]
> I would be grateful to know if others share my concern, and whether
> there are any Creative Commons enforcers in the way that there are GPL
> enforcers?[3]
> Thanks!
> [1] http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/277369
> [2] https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/277865
> [3] E.g. http://gpl-violations.org/ and https://sfconservancy.org/
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